Surge Test & Tag

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Where do i get a plug top replaced?

Wear and tear on electrical appliances can often lead to bent cords and broken plug tops, it’s only a
matter of time. But did you know that you don’t have to discard your appliances due to a faulty plug?
That favourite go-to extension cord that is the perfect length doesn’t have to get thrown out (because
you know you’ll never find another exactly like it). It’s much cheaper and a lot less infuriating to simply
call in the Test and Tag experts rather than replace an entire piece of electrical equipment!

If you notice that the plug’s pins are corroded or discoloured or there is a loose connection, don’t try
and fix it yourself. Covering it with electrical tape is like putting a band-aid on a snake bite. It is highly
dangerous and a recipe for disaster or worse. Only someone with the correct licencing, training and
equipment should handle appliance and equipment repair. So, if you have an extension cord with a
broken plug top that’s in need of replacement, call Surge Test and Tag.

The Surge Test & Tag team can inspect and replace broken, discoloured or corroded plug tops in a
safe manner, saving you money on appliance replacement. The most important thing is that you can
continue using your appliance safely, with the ease of mind that it has been checked by a trained

Call Surge Test & Tag to request a quote or simply book in with an expert online and safeguard
yourself and your office from potential electrocution. You have highly trained industry professionals at
your fingertips, so don’t fall prey to fire, harm from electric shock or death.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, though due to Queensland’s legislation, plug top replacement is not available in that state (except by someone holding an Electrical Licence with a QLD Electrical Licence Number.