Surge Test & Tag

test and tag worker

Cracking into the test and tag industry

Entering the Test & Tag industry.

Have you been looking at test and tagging as a career? Are you interested in running your own test and tag business? Are you discouraged because you have no experience or training and don’t know what steps to take? If you want answers to these questions, then you have come to the right place! It is a challenge to take on the task of finding test and tag training, funding that training, funding the set up for a test and tag business and then finding enough business to make your efforts worthwhile. Meanwhile you are paying a mortgage or rent and supporting yourself and others, so the pressure to make it work can be so high that you decide against starting your own business. It’s easier to stick with the status quo and be frustrated professionally than to take the plunge into the unknown. But ask yourself: what if there was another option? What if there was a middleman who could ensure that you are funded as you complete your test and tag training and then provide you with the business support to achieve success? You might have already guessed… that middleman exists! Surge Test & Tag fund your test and tag training and support you with business knowledge, a comprehensive system for success and access to clientele to ensure you reach your ideal test and tag goals! There is no reason why you cannot be a test and tag operator, own your own business and create a lifestyle built around providing safety for your clients and peak professional standards with Surge Test & Tag. Don’t take 4 or 5 years to become an electrician when you can experience a fulfilling career providing safe electrical products in half the time. Call Surge Test & Tag on 1300 178 743 to speak with our passionate team today! Don’t delay the start of the rest of your life.