Surge Test & Tag



Many of our clients have the requirement to test and tag their 3-phase appliances as these appliances come under the same scope for testing and tagging as single phase appliances and must be considered as part of any workplace test and tagging program.

The testing of 3 phase appliances is not as straight forward at it first might seem. For many single phase earthed appliances, an earth continuity and insulation test is sufficient to test the electrical integrity of the appliance. In order to successfully Test and Tag a 3 Phase appliance, there are three tests our technicians can perform: an Earth Bond (an essential test), Insulation Resistance and Leakage test. The Australian standard specifies that for appliances that must be energised to be in the ‘on’ position a current leakage test will need to be performed.

Three phase appliances are similar to single phase appliances except they use three actives instead of just one. This provides increased amount of power available to run the appliance, provide greater toque and deliver smoother operation of motors.

3 phase testing
Exceptional Service

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