According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004), all businesses have a legal obligation to maintain their duty of care to their employees, customers and anyone attending a worksite. Employers are required to take all reasonable steps to provide a safe, hazard-free workplace. This includes having an electrical maintenance program that identifies electrical hazards, conducts appropriate risk-assessment and controls, or eliminates these risks.
The AS/NZ3760:2022 Australian Standard clearly outlines that regular testing and tagging of portable electrical appliances is optimal for creating a safe workplace.
If you work in construction, demolition and mining, all electrical equipment must be inspected, tested and tagged every three months, as per the AS/NZ3012:2010 Standard. In some instances, you might arrive to a job without your equipment tagged and be turned away from the site until you have had your equipment adequately tested. There are specific colour-coded tags that correspond to specific months of the year to outline if the equipment has been tagged in line with the three-month intervals.
Surge Test & Tag operators conduct the testing and tagging process and upon completion, provide you with a comprehensive report on completion.