Surge Test & Tag

Office computers

How often should I get my appliances tested and tagged?

If you are running a business, whether it is in construction or a simple office building, you will need to follow certain test and tag regulations for your electrical appliances. AS/NZS 3760 is the Australian Standard that covers the test and tag industry, and the regulations your business needs to be aware of.

Each state has a different regulatory body, however there is a national standard they all follow. For a brief run down of test and tag testing frequency:

  • Every 5 years for objects that don’t move
  • Every 12 months for office equipment (eg., monitors)
  • Every 6 months for items that move
  • And every 3 months for the construction sector (eg., work tools)

For a more specific explanation of test and tag regulations, it is best to speak with a trained professional. They can guide you through what electrical safety must be conducted throughout your business and cut through the confusion.

Surge Test and Tag are Australia’s # 1 choice for electrical safety, both for residential and commercial services and offer competitive pricing for all your test and tag needs. Surge Test and Tag are highly trained technicians, who can ensure your business meets workplace health and safety regulations while maintaining regular electrical safety checks on all of your equipment. Their services can cover fire extinguisher testing, microwave testing, extension lead testing, RCD/safety switch testing and office equipment testing.

If you aren’t sure what electrical safety your business is required to have, call Surge Tag and Test on 1300 178 743 and find out today. Don’t assume that your business isn’t expected to meet these national standards, getting caught out could cost you dearly. Ensure you are covered by making an enquiry and getting your ducks in a row, it’s as simple as a phone call.